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Book by Dr. Stephen G. Post - Pure Unlimited Love: Science and the Seven Paths to Inner Peace

Pure Unlimited Love: Science and the Seven Paths to Inner Peace

Amazon Top New Book in Spiritual Philosophy and Growth

A scientific and spiritual exploration of how the healing power of love can transform mind, body, and spirit in individuals and communities, even in times of chaos.

Dr. Post’s goal through his life’s work is to achieve cultural transformation through a blend of the highest levels of scientific research, spiritual-philosophical reflection, and effective practice. Through more than forty years of research he has created a framework readers can use to foster pure unlimited love and find inner peace regardless of what’s going on around them. The framework consists of seven paths for generating inner peace which include giving generously, healing with kindness, following your calling, raising kind children, knowing the divine, cherishing nature, and honoring the spirit of freedom.

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Video thumbnail: Stephen G. Post giving speech Play videoWhy It’s Good
to Be Good

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Speaking inquiries: contact Stephen at 216.926.9244 or by email.

For over 20 years, Dr. Stephen G. Post has been spreading the science of giving and the commitment to the greater good. He has promoted the idea of “give and live better” across the globe. Funding over 50 scientific studies at the nation’s top universities as well as conducting his own research, Stephen is considered the “go to” guy with his uplifting message that when we contribute to the lives of others, give meaningfully, and live by the Golden Rule, we are generally:

He brings a new level of insight into the ways in which we benefit as givers and a whole lot of practical advice about shifting cultural systems in schools, healthcare, businesses and communities in a positive direction.

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Book by Dr. Stephen G. Post - Dignity for Deeply Forgetful People: How Caregivers Can Meet the Challenges of Alzheimer’s Disease

Dignity for Deeply Forgetful People

Amazon #1 New Release in Alzheimer’s

For caregivers of deeply forgetful people: a book that combines new ethics guidelines with an innovative program on how to communicate and connect with people with Alzheimer’s.

How do we approach a “deeply forgetful” loved one so as to notice and affirm their continuing self-identity? For three decades, Stephen G. Post has worked around the world encouraging caregivers to become more aware of—and find renewed hope in—surprising expressions of selfhood despite the challenges of cognitive decline.

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Press Release (PDF)   Overview (PDF)   Comments from Readers (PDF)

“Bring in the stars of positive psychology, like Stephen Post.”
—Marty Seligman, Founder of Positive Psychology and author of Flourish

“Dr. Post’s work is more than a feel-good read. It’s today’s handbook for survival.”
Publishers Weekly

Book by Dr. Stephen G. Post - Why Good Things Happen to Good People

Why Good Things Happen to Good People

A longer life. A happier life. A healthier life. Above all, a life that matters—so that when you leave this world, you'll have changed it for the better. If science said you could have all this just by altering one behavior, would you?

Dr. Stephen Post has been making headlines by funding studies at the nation’s top universities to prove once and for all the life-enhancing benefits of giving behavior. The exciting new research shows that when we give of ourselves, especially if we start young, everything from life-satisfaction to self-realization and physical health is significantly affected. Mortality is delayed. Depression is reduced. Well-being and good fortune are increased.

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Photo: Dr. Post with med students
Dr. Post with Stony Brook Med Students in the Art and Observation Course with Dr. Gina Polizzo MD


Photo: Stephen G. Post speaking at event

Video: NBC News 4 New York—Navigating the holidays with loved ones suffering from Alzheimer's

Article: Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease—Lucidity in deeply forgetful people: A national U.S. survey of caregivers’ reactions

Article: Works of Love—The Entrepreneurial Mindset Advantage

Article: Physician’s Weekly—Finding Work–Life Balance as a Physician

PDF Article: BMC Medical Education—Cultivating compassion in medicine: a toolkit for medical students to improve self-kindness and enhance clinical care

PDF Article: JAMA—Out of Touch

PDF Article: PLOS One—Kindness: Definitions and a pilot study for the development of a kindness scale in healthcare

PDF Article: Project Muse—Joining Humanity and Science: Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics in Medical Education

PDF Article: Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice—Routine, empathic and compassionate patient care: definitions, development, obstacles, education and beneficiaries

Video: Duke Plenary on Humility and Inner Peace—The Spirit & Science of Humility

Video: All Home Care Matters—Conscious Caregiving with L & L “Compassion, Kindness, & Seniors”

April 12–14, 2024  Mystics & Scientists 2024  Online Event

Article: AARP—18 Ways to Spread Joy on Random Acts of Kindness Day – And Everyday

PDF Article: Simplify Magazine—May You Give and Glow

Audio: Roel Resources—Radio interview with Stephen G. Post

Article:—The gift of giving can extend to your own health; the biological basis of human altruism

PDF: 2023 Appeal for Donations

Article: Harvard Medicine—What We Get When We Give

Article: Evolution News—Clues About Consciousness from Dementia Research

Audio: Shrinkrap Radio—Philosopher Stephen G. Post on The Mystery of Human Connectedness

Book: Dignity for Deeply Forgetful People: How Caregivers Can Meet the Challenges of Alzheimer’s Disease is Amazon’s #1 New Release in Alzheimer’s

Essays: 2019 Youth Essay Contest Winners

PDF Article: Time Magazine Special Edition: The Science of Good & Evil

PDF Article: Humility and 12 Step Recovery

PDF Article: Is Grandma Still There?

Free Excerpts PDF: Is Ultimate Reality Unlimited Love?

Free E-Book PDF: The Love That Does Justice

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God and Love on Route 80

Book by Dr. Stephen G. Post - God and Love on Route 80

Most people know the author as a contributor to the study of medical humanities, positive psychology, research on altruism and love, clinical bioethics, and the care of deeply forgetful people. But there is a spiritual side to him that has been animating from the start, and that he finally decided to express in the form of a journey.

Charles Scribner, a distinguished classmate from St. Paul's School, heir of Scribner Books, and a lucid literary giant in his own right, writes in Issue II 2019/20 of the SPS Alumni Horae as follows:

“I discovered Stephen Post’s amazing book (with lots on our years at SPS, including photos), and just wrote the following review for Amazon: For anyone who, like the Magi, dreams of the need to ‘return home by another route,’ this book offers a priceless roadmap to the ultimate life journey. I knew the author (aka ‘the boy’) when we were both boys at the same sainted school, but it took only a half century and a major reunion (my first in 40 years) to discover his recent book—a supreme synchronicity, QED. I don’t think I’ve ever, even after a career in publishing, read a more vivid and moving spiritual account with a message as practical as mystical. It is a treasure of pure gold bound in paper. And bound to last: the book that keeps on giving.

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